Every dollar counts and we appreciate the businesses, organizations, and individuals who choose to support us with their contributions. By supporting us, you're telling cancer to take a back seat to life!
There are many ways to contribute.
Use a Credit Card or Mail a Check
CHARGE IT! Make a one-time gift or recurring monthly contributions using VISA or MasterCard. You’ll need the credit card number, expiration date, and name as it appears on the card. Click to GIVE NOW!
Checks should be made out The Goodtimes Project. Please mail to: The Goodtimes Project, 7400 Sand Point Way NE, #101S, Seattle, WA 98115
Make a Gift of Securities
You can easily transfer stock electronically to The Goodtimes Project’s brokerage account. The value of your gift and tax deduction is the mean price of the stock on the date of transfer.
Follow the step-by-step instructions or contact The Goodtimes Project via email at donations@thegoodtimesproject.org or by phone at 206-556-3489.
Matching Programs
When you shop at Fred Meyer or if you are a seller on EBay you can gift us every time you make a purchase or a sale!
Does your employer match donations? Inquire with your HR department for information. Please note that all matching gift requests must be submitted to your employer by you. We are a 501(c)3 and our tax I.D. # is 46-2489916.
For more information, visit our Matching Programs page.
Planned Giving
Help us continue to create a community of hope, joy, and love for children and families affected by pediatric cancer. Consider including a gift to The Goodtimes Project in your will, living trust, as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy, estate plan or retirement assets. Your planning now, helps ensure a caring space for families to connect and kids to be kids.
For more information, visit our Planned Giving page.
why donate to the goodtimes project?
There are many worthy organizations that have causes vital to our communities. So why choose to give of your money and/or time to our organization?
• You believe in our mission
• Cancer has affected you or a loved one
• Your donation supports families, children, and young adults in your area
• Contributions are tax-deductible as allowed by law
in-kind and donations of time
Beyond money, we gladly welcome in-kind donations or donations of your volunteer hours.
To volunteer, please visit our Volunteer page.
For in-kind donations, including items or products we may be able to use for our Goodtimes Gala, Camp Goodtimes, or our business, please contact staff@thegoodtimesproject.org or view the Wish List page.
Donor Privacy Policy