Activity & Cabin Time
We’ll start by getting right down to business with the first activity session on Thursday, July 8. Campers will participate in activity time and cabin time together with their cabin. Activities are a mix of themed projects (The Great Experiment) and just-for-fun activities.
Campers will use a single link to join their cabin for activity and cabin time each day. Campers are encouraged to attend daily.
join your cabin
The password for all cabins has been shared with registered families via email and appears on the hard copy schedule included in the care package. For security reasons we are not posting to this website. Please have it handy before attempting to join a session.
To join your assigned cabin for both Activity and Cabin Time, simply click on the hyperlink and have the password ready. Use the same link all week.
activity time
12:30-2:30 p.m.
Cabin Time
2:30-4:30 p.m.
technology FAQs
Brush up on some of the basics of how to use Zoom to have a seamless virtual camp experience.
camper cabin assignments
Want to verify which cabin your kiddo has been assigned to, just check this alphabetical list.
If you have any questions about camper’s cabin assignments or camp in general, please contact the camp director:
Tanya "Cooper" Krohn
Activity schedule
Curious about what activities campers will be participating in each day? Check out the Activity Schedule, which also contains a list of household supplies needed to participate.
meet your cabin leaders
Each cabin has been assigned two counselors and two activity/support staff for the week. They’re excited to virtually meet their campers and are full of hope, love, joy, and ideas for how to make the week simply sensational!