Evening Programming
Each night we’ll wind the day down with some entertainment before campers head to bed and say goodnight Goodtimes. Feel free to pop some popcorn, get comfy in your PJs, and settle in for some fun. To join, simply click on each event’s hyperlink. No password will be required to join unless otherwise indicated below.
In addition to the main event, camp leaders Backpack and Cooper will perform a nightly “experiment” to see if they can beat a wacky world record. Who knows, maybe you’ll witness history!
evening lineup
Thursday, July 8
Friday, July 9
Saturday, July 10
Amazing card trick starts at about 45 minutes!!
Sunday, July 11
Dance Party! With beats from DJ Doogie RECORDING
night time session
6:30-7:30 p.m.
weekly schedule
Evening programming will run Thursday-Sunday of the camp week.
*Mini campers and families are welcome to join in too.
technology FAQs
Brush up on some of the basics of how to use Zoom to have a seamless virtual camp experience.
If you have any questions about evening programming, please contact either:
Tanya "Cooper" Krohn
Camp Director
Becky "Backpack" Felak
Program & Activities Director